Posted by CarlyRyanFoundation
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Sonya Ryan, Founder of The Carly Ryan Foundation (CRF), is infuriated by the sentencing outcome for Justin Kremmer as reported by the Adelaide Advertiser today.
Kremmer plead guilty to two counts of communicating to make a child amenable to sexual activity. This attracts a maximum imprisonment term of up to 10 years' jail while Kremmer walked away with convictions recorded against him and a $2000, 3 year good behaviour bond.
"This is another example of appalling sentences for serious crimes against children," said Sonya. "The offender believed he was speaking to a young person, so it is completely irrelevant whether the intended victim was a covert police officer. That is never a reason for reducing a sentence."
"Why is it that offenders receive higher sentences for offences like armed robbery and yet when their intention is to sexually prey upon innocent children they get a slap on the wrist? How is this supporting victims? If they survive the criminal act, their lives will always be impacted by trauma and suffering."
"I am sick of seeing such pathetic sentences for offences against children. There is a real sense that the judiciary does not take online crimes seriously, but as parents and as a community we know the impact on our children and these sentences just aren't reflecting our expectations."
"To add to our frustration, Judge Cuthbertson appears to refer to Kremmer's involvement with football clubs positively in his sentencing remarks, yet anyone working in this space knows that predators use positions of authority as a grooming tool. The fact that Kremmer sent a Crows jumper to the 14 year girl he believed he was talking to is a testament to this."
"It is like judges are holding off from higher sentences because there has been no contact offending, but the whole point for offences like the one Kremmer was convicted for is that there doesn't have to be contact offending. This offence attracts a 10 year jail term, so sentence appropriately."
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